For a very long time the world of sport and business have focussed very much on the technical and physical aspects of performance. Indeed, this is essential if we wish to achieve our potential.
However, is it possible that if we 'THINK' better we will be able to unlock the hidden potential we so richly crave?
My name is Mike Hopwood and here at the 'Attention Academy' our aim is to support this. Brain function is at the heart of what the attention academy is all about.
Our aim is to give simple, effective tools to allow you to think more clearly under the perceived pressure of performance. Allowing you to personalise these techniques and training your brain to optimise performance.
"Performance equals
potential minus
Timothy Galway
‘The inner game’
Interference can be very much about how we think and therefore the decisions we make. Here at the Academy the aim is to look at a fundamental word that runs through everything, ATTENTION.